10 days disconnected

1 John 2:17 says, "The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." Often times we lose focus on what our intended purpose in  is because of the distractions in the world. God spoke to me and he made it clear that I had a better connection with the world than my spirit. Some may be a little confused as to how God "spoke" to me, well God can speak to you in many different ways whether it's through people, instances in your everyday life, reading the word, the preacher, friend, and even that little voice in the back of your mind that doesn't hesitate to tell you if you did something right or wrong, also known as your conscience. Before 10 days disconnected I could not even whisper the words "I am Eudaimonia, without a doubt." It has always been in my spirit to initiate this phrase, but I did not know where to start. With that being said I had to go through some things in order to fully receive this revelation God was trying to rest on my heart. I am now striding into my senior year of college (praise him), after embarking on one of the WORST years in my collegiate career. Junior year was very much so strenuous, tiresome, and heart wrenching. You may feel the same way in the midst of you reading this, but I am here as a living testimony to tell you that troubles surely don't last always. The devil seeks whom he may devour. He began to see me weak because I began to be spiritually drained constantly praying, and interceding for other peopl, then there was no oil left for myself. I began to tell myself, "Man, God if this is my purpose I don't want to walk in it." The devil knew if he could take me out there world be a whole lot of others he could take down too. But when God is the source of your strength no weapon what so ever formed against you shall prosper. I began to start to feel like I needed people in my life who didn't belong, do things that were completely wrong, and connect with God only when it was time to pray for other people. This spiritual escape SNATCHED me right back into the spiritual realm so my living wouldn't be in vain, my praying wouldn't be in vain, and my time wouldn't be wasted.
In this day in age we are so attached to social media which can be a horrible thing. While I was going through hell and back social media felt like a reliable comfort source for me which was not the right route at all. Instead of reading the word and hiding it in my heart (Psalms 119:11) instead of studying to show myself approved (2 Timothy 2:15), I was on IG, Twitter, and Facebook being discouraged everyday because of all the negativity that I saw. Not only was I being discouraged, I also got into connections that just made my life even worst. Now, have you noticed anything yet? Thus far everything that I faced, I didn't blame it on anyone else except for myself. We have to take responsibility for our own actions so we can see "the good" in it, then we can come out of that fire pure as gold. Lets get to what "10 days disconnected" is comprised of. First you have to take 10 days completely off social media, and you cannot be in contact with people who you feel are a hindrance to your life no matter who they are (yes it was hard but if I can do it you can too). Then during the duration of the 10 days read the entire book of Matthew, God placed this book in my spirit, and when you read my outcome you'll see how AWESOME he truly is. While your'e doing all of those things please don't forget to do the most important thing which is to pray. Pray as long and as hard as you can because  while you're on this spiritual escape the devil will be busy. I did not say that to scare you, but to encourage you because you will see for yourself how the power that God has invested in you can defeat ANYTHING.

My experience

Now onto the outcome of "10 days disconnected." Well, the outcome was phenomenal, mind blowing, spirit lifting, and a confirming one. To start, as soon as I started the spiritual escape somebody who was  a hindrance to my life sent me a text (if you could have seen my face). I took it like a champ, and left that situation alone because I knew my purpose was at stake and I did not want God to spew me out of his mouth for being lukewarm (Rev. 3:16). So from the beginning I knew that this was definitely meant to be. As I deleted all my social media apps I began to feel apprehensive because in all actuality it was extremely hard to do it. I did it, and I got through it. There were so many occurrences which could have lead me right back on to social media, but I continued to read and pray. As I read through the book of Matthew so many things stood out to me, but the one thing that kept happening repeatedly was Jesus would heal people, then he would tell them not to go out and tell anyone. This was a HUGE, I mean TREMENDOUS conformation for me because that word was telling me, STOP telling everybody the things God has brought you through, and where he is taking you to it will lead to your crucifixion, because people don't like what they can't understand. Believe it or not, but people will use your testimony to take you OUT! Well, with that being said I really do not go into detail about my after graduation plans because people are saying that they are praying for me, but they are really P R E Y I N G, out to get me ready to see me fail. This book being a parable of Jesus demonstrated how much WE ALL can relate to many of his stories that he told. Ironically, when I went to church Sunday morning and evening both preachers had a word from the book of Matthew. The morning preacher's word was oh so relevant to my testimony. If you can recall I stated that I would pray on behalf of others and not myself. Well she preached from Matthew chapter 8 her topic was "The Power Source." She illustrated to us when we connect to God it's through prayer, which I kind of knew, but she took it to a totally different level when she gave the analogy of a power source like a huge power surge, and EVERY outlet was full. It was full of chords that were attached to us draining us from the POWER that God has invested in us, and we are using it to get people through and not taking time out for ourselves. She broke it down and said that people are attracted to people who can commune with God, so they use them to get through to him because they don't want to utilize their own power source (prayer). My Friend Labrianna and I were just talking about that the other night she said it's "Prostituting the Anointing." Many of you know that I am a student minister, and no I am not in school studying Religion/Philosophy, but I am called by God to preach the Gospel. I am always ministering constantly and it took all this for me to notice I need to take time out for myself to release some chords from my source, because some chords that were attached tried to drain me to the core. Then Sunday night came and something so super natural happened I got chills when I saw it.
My brother Rashad (who's gonna kill me for this picture) opened up the Bible that was located in the same exact pew we were sitting on and he was laughing because the owner wrote their name like a million times in it. Then he gets to the front and my heart literally stops. God spoke to me and he said if you read to chapter 17 (Matthew) tonight, tomorrow I will have you a job. I currently do not have a car, and I'm in need of one to be able to go to events and obtain jobs that the Georgia state capitol has to offer. Although I intern there it is only during session which is after the fiscal cliff. I had a car, but then my mom moved to GA took that car and left the truck in Jersey (if it's not one thing it's another). So having a summer job would enable me to save some change to get a decent down payment for a vehicle. I woke up Monday morning went to a local daycare which is walking distance from my house ( my first job was at a daycare). Well long story short I went in and the owner said and I quote, "I have been praying for a man to come here." I was hired and started the following day! You can't tell me that my God is not REAL. He answers prayers especially when you take the time out to acknowledge him! Through this spiritual escape I was blessed exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think!

I've found the good!

If God blessed me and I dedicated 10 days just imagine the blessings that are in store once YOU dedicate your LIFE to him. I am not saying everything is going to be easy because being saved is hard, but all things are possible with Jesus. I have been saved for about thirteen years now it will be fourteen in August. The day I gave my life to Christ I was F R E E. As you can see it's not easy because thirteen years later I still go through trials and tribulations, but that's how our God proves himself as a healer, a provider, a deliver, a friend, a sustainer, and I love him for that! I pray that this was a blessing to you! If you have any questions comments or concerns please DO NOT HESITATE to ask. I would like to thank my sisters Quamisha Desroches, and Alexandria Davis for giving me the idea to even start a blog! Please read theirs also I'm certain you will be blessed ( www.quamishadesroches.blogspot.com , www.purposefullyroyal.blogspot.com) . Oh, don't forget to say, "I am Eudaimonia, without a doubt."
 It's not over, this is only the beginning. 

I am ευδαιμονία, without a doubt.


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