Silently Moving

Hey everyone! I hope this post finds you in good spirits! The new year is vastly approaching, and this is the time where we set goals to achieve during the new year or before the end of the new year. I want to encourage you that you do not have to wait until the new year to start a resolution. God has given us a new second, new minute, new hour, new day, new week, and new month for us to make a firm decision to do or not do something. Don’t wait until the new year to embark on a new journey. Don’t wait until the new year to begin to fight for your aspirations. Don’t wait until the new year to begin to love your authentic self. You can do all that and more RIGHT NOW! Time waits for no one, and we don’t know when the Lord shall call us home. It's not worth going through life just trying to “survive”. It’s not worth going through life just trying to secure the bag. It’s not worth going though life just trying to traveling. It’s not worth going through life just trying to get that luxury car. It’s not worth going through life just trying to stay laced in designer. Some people say having and doing the aforesaid things is “living the best life.” If those are the things you are just trying to do or get, then are you really living your best life? We have to come to a place in our lives where living our best life consists of loving ourselves, having internal peace, and fighting for our purpose just to name a few. Materialistic things help us to create a façade. They make you feel good for a moment, but then there comes a time where you realize that you are still not happy. Material things are temporary but self-love, peace, and authentic character goes a long way. There may come a time where people or circumstances may try to break you, but you can rest assure that it may break you, but you won’t be broken always. You have to have faith in God and yourself to know that you are resilient! As you go into this new season of your life begin to gravitate to the things that are beneficial to you and your elevation.  Keep moving to be a better you every day.
A phrase that has been said very frequently pertaining to achieving goals is, “I’m moving in silence.” We all have heard or seen this before. But may I suggest that if you are telling the world that you are moving in silence entails that you are not silently moving. Whether it be seeking self-assurance, accomplishing a goal, or changing a habit it is very benefiting to keep it between you and God. You may be asking why would that be benefiting for me. I’m glad you asked! (haha). You having faith in God and yourself makes you a force to be reckoned with. We love to share our new endeavors with friends, colleagues, and family but sometimes this can be unfavorable for us. Some people may seem like they are for you but surreptitiously wish for your demise. Some may infiltrate your mind with negative concepts. Once you declare to the world that you’re moving in silence then minds begin to wonder about what your next escapade will be. Silently moving consists of faith, confidence, and persistence. You have to have faith so you can achieve what you set out to achieve, without another person giving you validation. You have to have confidence to know that even if what you set out to achieve seems like it is not going to come to pass, you are confident it will. You have to be persistent so when the time comes where the road is blocked you keep moving to make it to the end! All these things can be done by you whispering your petitions to God and not man. Psalms 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you your hearts desires.” You don’t have to announce that your next move will be done in silence. Pray and move. Yes, there will be sometimes where God sends people to help us get to where we need to be, but that is ordained by God and not by ourselves. Telling people that you are moving in silence makes them inquisitive and they may begin to try to get you to spill the silent beans. (haha) (I know that was corny lol). Now this becomes a burden on you because you have wondering minds distracting you. My Grandma always says. “Sometimes things are better left unsaid.” I guarantee you that you have nothing to lose, but so much more to gain by actually moving in silence. Your next move will be between just you and God, and he will send the right people if need be to assist you. Take this time and declare you will move in silence. You have the faith, confidence, and persistence to do so. Pray and move! Stay encouraged!


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