Preserving your energy

Hey everyone! Que pasa? I hope all is well! One major thing that we need to make certain we preserve is our energy. Energy is a very pertinent piece to our everyday lives. Sometimes we wake up and we are super exuberant and our energy level may be extremely high, or it can be quite the contrary. We have to stay vigilant to the things that decline our energy. Whether it be habits, people, or even music we have to preserve our energy. Now one may believe that energy only impacts us physically, but it also effects our spirit. When your energy is low in the physical it may also lead to a decrease in your spirit. Sometimes your energy may be high in your spirit and low physically. There are things in our life that add to our energy or take away from it. Our energy can be drained by various things. Those things that drain our energy drastically need to be confronted, and ultimately eradicated.
You have to sit back and analyze whether that friend, habit, music genre, heck even your church is draining your energy. I am a firm believer in reciprocation. If I give my energy to you I expect to get some back. You don’t even have to match the amount of energy I have given, but at least give me something that I can take back to re-energize. You may be saying well Daryl… How does music impact my energy? Well, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TRAP! (haha) BUT some of it I can’t listen to and I don’t listen to it to the point where listening becomes meditating. Some trap songs are very motivating! Trust me Tee Grizzley “Win” gets me pumped every single time to accomplish all the goals I have set for myself. There are some songs that get me rowdy and ready to fight! Yea you know those songs (haha)! Energy from music has to be monitored because you may become what you consistently listen to. Now I’m not saying don’t listen to it at all, I’m simply saying monitor it because it may be altering your energy and keeping you from being progressive.
Not only does music need to be monitored, people do too. Family, friends, colleagues, strangers, and bae! Now, when we get to people we have to cover the mental, physical, and spiritual aspect. I am sure we have heard someone say, “I love your energy!”. They may not have been saying it to you perhaps, but maybe to someone around you. People feed off of others energy, but you have to monitor on how much they are feeding off of. Some people will drain the life out of you whether they have you running around doing stuff for them, overbearing you with their unsolicited opinions, or just simply just using you for whatever you have to offer. I can attest to the fact that some people have used my energy repeatedly for the same thing. That thing was giving advice. I have given advice to people on multiple occasions, and they’ve come back with the same issue every time. It came to a point where my energy was being drained because I’m reiterating what I said before and they only come around when they needed a good pep talk. MONITOR those type of situations! At the time it may not have seem like my energy was being drained, but it certainly was. It takes a lot for an individual to put their life aside and help other people figure out what they have going on. PRESERVE YOUR ENERGY! You have to keep some for yourself. Yes, it is nice to help other people, but what good is it doing you if you are exerting your energy and not receiving anything back. Relationships can drain our energy. If it seems like it’s too much then it most likely is.
Preserving your energy is not selfish. It is being mindful of you! Take time out for you! Regenerate to the level of energy you had before or higher. Sometimes things that we like are draining our energy. For instance, going out with friends, and being on social media, etc. I recently posted a comment on the shade room about Ariana Grande and her short dress at Ms. Aretha Franklins home going service. Some people agreed with what I had to say, and some didn’t. If one is not confident and assertive in who they are or what they believe in social media can operate as a bulldozer to knock them down. Man! When I tell you, people were going bananas over that comment! I replied to some, but it really wasn’t worth the energy to entertain. Rest assure I did not delete that post. I stand firm in what I believe in and I’m open to correction, BUT that one... you couldn’t tell me nothing! (haha). We have to pick and choose where we release our energy. We also need to be conscious of the energy we surround ourselves with. Make sure if you are giving some energy out you are at least getting some back.
You have to make sure that you are preserving your energy. It is pertinent that you do this so you can focus on your purpose in life without having excess weight on you. Yes, there will be days where you may be low on energy, but take in to consideration what brought to that point. Once you take the time out to see what got you to that level of energy STAY AWAY FROM IT. It may be easier said than done because as stated before, there are things we like to do that cause us to have low energy and it may be a little difficult to stray away from. Always remember taking time out to preserve your energy is not selfish, it’s considerate. Take the time out and observe what brings your energy down and find a replacement to get your energy back up. Now that’s how you level up! PRESERVE YOUR ENERGY


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