The race
Hey everyone! I pray all is well! During
the course of life, it is always good to be transparent about your life journey which
I like to call “the race”. I’m sure most of us have been in a race or have seen
one. In a race a lot of determination and will power is exerted to win.
Just like the physical race, our life journey requires a lot of determination and
will power to make it to the end. Some races may be hard because of tough
competition. Some athletes train for months day in and out to eviscerate their
competition. Unlike a physical race our life journey should not be too concerned about competition. Like in any race one stays in their own lane.
Whether it be a physical race or our life journey. Both the physical race and
the life journey require focus on one thing, reaching the end. What differentiates
the physical race from the life journey is that in life you can set your pace
and reach the finish line without worrying about what place you will come in.
God has equipped you for “the race” this race that you’re in is designed for
you to ultimately win. While you may feel that this race is strenuous and you don’t
have the fortitude to keep going, you can always stop to regain the strength to
finish. This race is a race of gain. You can gain peace after a trial, strength
after a loss, and confidence after a breakdown. Now we all know if we stop in a
physical race it’s a wrap (haha), but if we stop during our life journey it is OK. Be reminded that your only competition in “the race” is you. Just like in a
physical race don’t look in any other lane. Look forward and stay focus. It is
very satisfying to know that we can lift up our eyes to the hills from which our help comes, because all of our
help comes from the Lord (Psalms 121:1-2). I know you may get winded from “the race”,
but God is there to give you the endurance to make it to the end. I don’t know what
you may be facing in your “race”, but I’m here to tell you that you can make it
through whatever you may be facing now. Remember how I said it is good to be
transparent about “the race”? Well you know I don’t mind being transparent. Your
transparency could help someone get up and continue their race. It is up to you
to be unashamed and share your “race”. Some of you may know that I had to be
placed in the second chance program at my school. Scholarship was taking away
and I faced a lot of adversity. If you want to know about the adversities take
a look at the previous post. This is my last chance to stay in law school. As I
said before I work very diligently, but sometimes my best doesn’t seem like
enough. God will show up right on time. I don’t believe God brought me this far
to leave me. One thing that is pertinent to “the race” is faith people may call
you crazy because it seems like God isn’t blessing you, but what he is doing is
preparing you for the blessing. I know that God is preparing me for my blessing and you
too! During my last final for this semester a student at my school tried to
fight me for playing my Gospel music in the parking lot while people were “trying
to study outside” (what was he on I'm not sure lol). If you know me you know
that I was willing and ready (haha). I stayed calm because it was just an attack
of the enemy to get me off track from the blessing God has in store for me. I
shared that with you all to let you know when it seems like all hope is lost
God is still in the midst working on your behalf. The adversary knows when God
has something great in store for you and he tries to get you to feel inferior
like you can’t continue “the race” or have you look in another lane and compare
your “race” to someone else’s. You may be running this race with a heavy load
but know that you were made to carry that load and God won’t put more on you
than you can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). Keep your head held high in this race.
Times may get rough, but God is only a prayer away. You may start to have enemies,
but just know God said he will make them your foot stool and they are just
getting you closer to the top! (Psalm 110:1). No matter what you may be facing
continue to run this “race”! It was designed for you to win! You may come
across some road blocks, but you can conquer them! Always remember The race is
not given to the swift nor the strong, but to the one that endureth until the
end (Ecclesiastes 9:11) You can make it! Seek God in everything you do and don’t be afraid to be
transparent about your “race”! I pray this encourages you! Keep being you! WIN THIS RACE!

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